
He is Sovereign and He Promises His Believers

The primary cause suffering exists in this world is because sin exists…. It is because since the Garden of Eden  mankind has been in a rebellion against God and each person has turned to his own ways….

Paradise was lost because of the disobedience of our first parents and people henceforth became  victims of the degrading effects of sin – death, pain, suffering, diseases, disasters, calamities…..

Suffering is a natural picture of a fallen world…

But let me tell you in a nutshell why the Lord allows suffering to exist in this world instead of starting over again….

” The Lord uses the presence of suffering to show to the world that his way is the right way. ”

The Lord is not to blame for suffering rather should be commended for the fact that he himself used the most horrible and terrible form of suffering to accomplish the work of salvation for the whole mankind.

Is not Jesus suffering on the cross the only provision for our sins and the way to eternal life?? His pain was our gain.

Let me give you some practical examples on this topic.

Can you ever appreciate the use of a warm blanket and give value to it unless you ever  experience cold weather yourself. At that time you will understand the importance of a blanket which gives you warmth.

Can you ever appreciate good health if you had never been in a bad condition before. At that time you understand how better you were before you fell sick and you would desperately want to get well.

Can you ever appreciate a restful sleep after a tiring and busy day if you had not carried heavy workload upon yourself and then enjoy a sound sleep.

If you are honest with yourself, you will say no…..

In the same way suffering brings people to their need to receive and accept the good news… In times of suffering they seek their Creator

Suffering causes them to search of relief and then we have this opportunity to introduce them to the wonder-working gospel of Jesus Christ and show them that he is the only way, the only truth and the only life – that he came to give life and life abubdantly…

The good news is that God in Christ is reconciling the whole world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them (2 Cor 5:19) so that mankind will be restored back to the image of their Creator and original way of living their lives as the Lord intended – peace, harmony, joy, abundance, love etc….. The list goes on and on and on….

The restoration work is going on….The Lord of lords and King of kings  Jesus Christ is in full control of the world.

He is Sovereign and he promises his believers :-

“In all things, God always works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

We the believers in Christ have the only hope of the

new Heavens and new Earth under Christ as head where :-

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

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