
Christ’s Status In This Modern World

The Lord Jesus Christ does not have a “phone”, but he is one “prayer call” away when I need him. He is not on “Facebook”, but still I can

“seek his face” daily. He is not on “twitter”, but still I am his “die-hard fan”. He is not on “Instagram” but still his “picture is in my heart and mind”. He is not on “WhatsApp”

 yet I receive “heavenly messages” from him daily. He has no “internet connection” but I “upload my praises” and “download his blessings” from him every day.

He does not own a “hospital” or a “clinic” yet he is “The Master Physician” of my life. He has no “engineering degree” but he has made me a “new creation” by his expertise.


He is not a “commerce graduate” yet he has completed the “greatest transaction” of all times by “exchanging his righteousness” for my “sins”

as a “free gift” to me. He wasn’t a “historian” but he became the “epicentre” of the whole “human history”. He never went to any “school” but he is revered as the

“greatest teacher” of all times. He never proposed any “scientific theory” or discovered “laws of physics/chemistry” but his “word(The Holy Bible)” records the

 “fundamental principles of science” even before it was discovered by “scientists” themselves. He wasn’t a “famous cook” but he is indeed the “bread of life” to

 all who receive him.


He wasn’t the “founder” of “coca cola” or “pepsi” yet he is the “streams of living water” to those who “thirst” for him. He was never involved in

“politics” or “government” but one day he will return to “rule” as the “Lord of lords” and the “King of kings”. I can go on writing.

So Guys,

Don’t think that “Christ” was a “person” in the “bygone era”. Although he is the “Ancient of the ancients” he is more “modern” to this “world” than all the “latest ventures”.

He is the “eternal God”. The “Great I Am”. He is still relevant and always will be..


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