Manna Whitson
My Brief Testimony:
I was the eldest of 3 boys to my nominal Christian parents. I was born in Tamilnadu but grew up in Mysore, Karnataka, where my education started, right from lower class to graduation in Management (BBM).
Later, working in a Tata company at Delhi, I got the call to serve THE LORD full-time. So, joined TWR-I in 1984.
In 1985, I got transferred to Bhubaneswar, where I also completed my MA in Public Administration & later BCS, an external 4 year theological course from Senate of Serampore.
In 1986, I got married & in 2019 got retired from TWR-I. Blessed with a daughter (who did her doctorate in Biotechnology), married & settled in Paradeep; & son, a Mechanical Engineer, married & settled in Chennai.
Spiritual journey:
Initially the Bible stories were taught to me by my mother & later in Sunday School at Mysore. My childhood days saw me through a troubled home & also suffer from Asthmatic problems. Yet, was able to be active in various sports & athletics.
While studying my plus-2, a medical college student by the name of Mohan conducted a weekly Bible study for me at home for about ten months & later got me to become part of a youth group (ICEU of UESI) which met in our church. At the age of fifteen I came to know the need of being ‘born-again’ or ‘saved’ (Jn.3:3) by accepting Christ Jesus as my only personal Savior. But I kept postponing & hardening my heart, thinking that I needed to enjoy the pleasures of this world while young & can yield to Christ when old!
However, at the age of 18, I saw myself surrender my life to Jesus, after the Spirit of GOD touched me through a message in a youth retreat. Then on my intimate relationship with Christ Jesus started. My daily Bible reading & prayer-life got genuinely meaningful, interesting & inspiring!
While so many Bible verses has been of great help to press on successfully in life, the one most prominent verse that has led me victoriously in my ministry-life is Matthew 6:33.
??To GOD be the glory!